Saturday, February 14, 2009

eVerYthInG hApPenS f0r gOOd..??

I have a great faith in this statement....still, I just think that.. is the fate has the power, to let me think over it again..
there is this thing called aim, which is what we hope to be our destiny.. due to this thing aim, life orders us to move on, keep on working..while on our way to destiny, somtimes things work out..sometimes they don't..n we meet this very strong character called fate.. with the power which could move the world upside down..
every single person/object seems to be a slave of this controls each and every mechanical part of this gigantic machine called universe..

So, when we feel happy.. we can say this character seems to be not monitoring it oviously as billions-trllions-zillions of task to do every fero-pico-nano seconds.. ;)
or it might just not want us to bounded by him for some duration of time..and then, he catches us again.. :(

whatever the reason is.. I just feel whatever has happened, happened for good..whatever is currently happening, is happening for good.. but, this character fate is somebody who could possibly change my views on this..

'everthing happens for good' is basically.. a postive mindset towards seeing the end result, when we reach the end of the path which we took while heading towards the thing aim. Destiny and aim, both we actually always tries to connect.. but, that strong character keep these two things at opposite pole of a sphere..

in this gigantic machine universe, the thing aim moves us from parts to parts of this machine.. we actually might want to go somewhere else, but the strong character THE BOSS.. fate is a really the boss..