Friday, October 24, 2008

traffic in Indore... all about surprises and un-commonsense.. the new definition that I worked out a few days ago, when I was coming home from Palasia. The day and traffic was very normal, everybody on road irritated by the dust, most of which was generated due to the construction of road everywhere..which had been under construction since ages.. :D
Only god knows, will it ever get complete???????

Hmmm.. returning back to my new definition... the first highlighted word SURPRISES came into my mind a thousand of times, while driving when a guy on 2-wheeler just came ahead of me, no body can find out from where this guy came, and many of times there are high chances of occurring of an accident.. so this falling of a vehicle from sky is a kind of surprise that I find here. Even if you are driving safely, at any instant someone might just come and if your hand/leg isn't on the brake, then you are gone.. :P

the second word is something which even many of the intelligent people might not agree with..because they aren't aware that, however they are intelligent and they
applies there commonsense everywhere..but, not while driving..
It's something which is totally indifferent in every kind of people, either a person is highly civilized or a person from slum, everyone is in hurry..and to rush in hurry they forgets to use their commonsense in hurry and rest left is all un-commonsense.. ;)
which gives rise to the CHAOS TRAFFIC..
thats it!!